Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBoundingLayerThis class represents a layer of bounding neurons
 CCorrelationThis structure provides the results obtained from the regression analysis
 CCrossEntropyErrorThis class represents the cross entropy error term, used for predicting probabilities
 CDataSetThis class represents the concept of data set for data modelling problems, such as approximation, classification or forecasting
 CDescriptivesThis structure contains the simplest Descriptives for a set, variable, etc. It includes :
 CGrowingInputsThis concrete class represents a growing inputs algorithm for the InputsSelection as part of the ModelSelection[1] class
 CGrowingNeuronsThis concrete class represents an growing neurons algorithm for the NeuronsSelection as part of the ModelSelection[1] class
 CInputsSelectionThis abstract class represents the concept of inputs selection algorithm for a ModelSelection[1]
 CInputsSelectionResultsThis structure contains the results from the inputs selection
 CLayerThis abstract class represents the concept of layer of neurons in OpenNN
 CLearningRateAlgorithmA learning rate that is adjusted according to an algorithm during training to minimize training time
 CLevenbergMarquardtAlgorithmLevenberg-Marquardt Algorithm will always compute the approximate Hessian matrix, which has dimensions n-by-n
 CLossIndexThis abstract class represents the concept of loss index composed of an error term and a regularization term
 CLossIndexBackPropagationLMA loss index composed of several terms, this structure represent the First Order for this function
 CMeanSquaredErrorThis class represents the mean squared error term
 CMinkowskiErrorThis class represents the Minkowski error term
 CModelSelectionThis class represents the concept of model selection[1] algorithm in OpenNN
 CNeuronsSelectionThis abstract class represents the concept of neurons selection algorithm for a ModelSelection[1]
 CNeuronsSelectionResultsThis structure contains the results from the neurons selection
 CNormalizedSquaredErrorThis class represents the normalized squared error term
 CPerceptronLayerThis class represents a layer of perceptrons
 CProbabilisticLayerThis class represents a layer of probabilistic neurons
 CPruningInputsThis concrete class represents a pruning inputs algorithm for the InputsSelection as part of the ModelSelection[1] class
 CResponseOptimizationThis class is used to optimize model response identify the combinations of variable settings jointly optimize a set of responses
 CScalingLayerThis class represents a layer of scaling neurons
 CStochasticGradientDescentThis concrete class represents the stochastic gradient descent optimization algorithm[1] for a loss index of a neural network
 CSumSquaredErrorThis class represents the sum squared peformance term functional
 CTestingAnalysisThis class contains tools for testing neural networks in different learning tasks
 CTrainingResultsThis structure contains the optimization algorithm results
 CTrainingStrategyThis class represents the concept of training strategy for a neural network in OpenNN
 CUnscalingLayerThis class represents a layer of unscaling neurons
 CWeightedSquaredErrorThis class represents the weighted squared error term
 NstdExtensions to the C++ standard library
 Cnumeric_limits< half_float::half >